Interested in a Lease?
No down payment. Whether you decide to get a lease for a brand new or pre-owned product, no down payment is required. Service contract is included. Labor, parts, and toners included and no outsourced contracts. We offer free services whenever your copier needs repair, maintenance, or toner. Click here to learn more. Keep the copier at the end of lease. You can pay a fair market value to keep the machine or simply ship it back when your lease expires. We even have a $1 buy-out option for pre-owned copiers. Flexible options for lease term. Your term can be anywhere from 1 year to 5 years. A 3-year lease is the usual term. Tax deductible. Lease expenses on a copier are usually tax deductible for many small businesses. Consult your accountant for more information. Free loaner. Our job is to offer quick and responsive repair services. In the case that your machine is down for more than 2 days, we will lend you a free loaner while repairs take place. Interested in a Rental?No down payment. We only require a small amount of deposit (which is refundable) when the machine is delivered. Service contract is included. Labor, parts, and toners are included. You get free services whenever your copier needs repair, maintenance, or toners. Click here to learn more. Rent a machine for days, weeks or years. Our rental terms are very flexible. You can choose to renew or terminate the rental at the end of rental agreement. Free upgrade. Technology continues to change on a daily basis and we're prepared to make that change happen. We can upgrade your machine for free during your rental term, even if you're simply unsatisfied with the way your printer or copier is performing. |